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5 Benefits of Offering Flexible Staffing

Before COVID-19, employers had all kinds of reasons not to use flexible staffing arrangements, but now that the corporate world has largely shifted online – those reasons are falling but the wayside. 

If the powers that be at your company are still hesitant to offer staffing and schedule flexibility to employees, including remote working, please consider the following five benefits. 

1) Lower Turnover 

PFlexible schedules are one of the most sought after benefits that people want from an employer. 

A 2018 survey reported 80 percent of employee respondents would opt for a job that provides a flexible schedule over one that did not. In fact, 30 percent said that they prefer flexible work over more vacation time. And 35 percent of respondents said flexible work is so valuable to them that they would prioritize a job with it over a more prestigious one. 

Clearly, enabling your staff members with flexible schedules can help with employee retention. Considering the costs linked with recruiting, screening, hiring, and training new employees, significantly lowering turnover means considerable cost savings over the long haul. 

2) More Appeal to Top Talent 

Considering the fact that an overwhelming majority of professionals want a flexible schedule, offering this arrangement not only reduces turnover, it also helps to recruit top talent. Given the value of top talent, the relatively minor investment in flexible staffing can produce a massive return. 

3) Higher Morale 

Staff members with schedule flexibility enjoy a greater sense of control over their work situation, and this translates to much higher employee morale. On its own, a greater sense of control boosts morale, but employees who are better able to handle personal responsibilities such as childcare are more likely to come into work in a good mood. 

On a day-to-day basis, flexibility can also reduce burnout by helping workers to avoid feeling overloaded on any single day. Employees can take a break when it suits them and makes up time during traditionally “off hours.” 

4) Broader Talent Recruitment Pool 

Remote work is powered by cloud technology that also happens to allow for access from outside a company’s physical office. For some businesses, this allows for an expanded area of service. It can also enable the hiring of non-local workers. This benefit can be increased by hiring people located in areas where the cost of living is much lower, which means lower salary expectations.   

5) Higher Productivity 

One main reason employers are resistant to staff flexibility is the idea that it will negatively impact productivity. However, research shows flexibility can actually increase productivity. 

A 2019 survey of remote employees revealed that they average 1.4 more days per month than on-premises staff members. In-office employees also spend about 37 minutes per day dealing with distractions, as opposed to 27 daily minutes for remote workers. Moreover, having mostly text-based communication and stripping away the power of office politics can facilitate a results-oriented culture, one that emphasizes helps the company thrive. 

We Can Support All of Your Staffing Initiatives 

At Career Concepts, we work with our clients to support all different kinds of work arrangements. Please contact us today to find out how we can assist your organization.

Blog published date

Nov 26, 2020
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